4:00p.m. to 6:30p.m.
¥2,000/hour for Casual
¥1,200/hour for Regular
Our After School Program has five curriculums, offering exciting activities geared for the children’s level, encouraging creativity and exploration that allows them to excel.
“ai Studio of Performing Arts”
Our performing arts includes drama, music and movement which might help trigger children’s curiosity. It is a wonderful thing to watch a child “come out of his/her shell” so to speak, being able to express an image that they can see in their head or just simply feel better understood. It will be a time full of smiling faces or laughing with each other as we all learn to be “performers”!!
“ai’s Workshop of Art and Craft”
After School children will enjoy a day of art and craft project. We will use all our senses to explore different art and craft using different materials which enhance imaginations, creativity and confidence.
“Smart Kids @ ai”
We will get physical and have fun game activities to develop our children’s tactics, fine and gross motor skills. Children will be learning to participate together, understand rules and disciplines while exhibiting their talents.
“Cool Science”
The After School science lab will be an exciting and ‘cool spot’ to be in! We will explore hands-on and nature activities through our senses to discover the world around us.
“Small Chefs @ Bistro ai”
Our After School cooking activities will provide the children with the start of a creative and enjoyable cooking experience. It will encourage our children to be ‘happy small chefs’ in the kitchen!
Not only do the children have fun, but the After School teachers also plan activities designed to extend and enhance the children’s language skills. It is a perfect environment for graduates, siblings, friends to learn or maintain their English. As the program is activity based, the children learn while doing and don’t even realize that they are having a “lesson”! Where there are mixed ages and abilities the staff and teachers work with the children in smaller groups, tailoring the material for the needs of each child.